D a v e H i s t o r y 
B a s e d   O n   A   T r u e   S t o r y 

"When I die, I hope to be reincarnated as me"
- Hugh Hefner


Short Index
  1. What is this?
  2. The Creation Of Dave
    1. Birth
    2. Worry
    3. Being Stubborn
    4. Moving Away
  3. Youth
    1. Age 3: Dave the Skeptic
    2. 1978? - Dave The Pop Star
    3. 1979 - Second Grade Troublemaker
    4. Age 10: Fourth Grade Dreaming
    5. Age 10?: The Gingerbread House Hack
    6. Age 11?: The Bear Attack
  4. High School
    1. Dave The "Shrimp"
    2. A Gib Thosty With Sprinkles To Go
    3. London Buscatching
    4. Bob Cheeseman For President
    5. Junior Year: Mom Torture
    6. Senior Year: Dave invents Porn TV
  5. College
    1. High School Senior: Safety School
    2. University Of Wisconsin
    3. Computing Ferrets
    4. The Great Ferret Battle
    5. Dave The Biker
    6. Nobody gets a 10
    7. Graduation?
    8. My Friend's Psycho Mom
  6. Colorado
    1. Looking back..
    2. 1994/10/05 - Disco bowling
    3. 1995/02/25 - Hit by a car!
    4. Kodi the Man-Eater
    5. 1995/05 - First Trip to San Francisco
    6. 1995? - The Lucky Gumball Bluff
    7. 1996? - Dave Versus the Tornado
    8. 1997/07/28 - El Nino
    9. 1998/06/08 - Colorado Spits Me Out
  7. San Francisco
    1. 1999/01/21 - SF Magazine
    2. 2000/07/21 - Flying Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease
    3. 2000/09/27 - May the force be with you
    4. 2001/05/18 - Foosball play of the week
    5. 2001/05/30 - Google searching for coupons
    6. 2001/07/21 - Herrang Dance Camp
    7. 2001/08/23 - Escaping the Pool Police
    8. 2001/08/16 - Polite Recruiters
    9. 2001/08/29 - Burning Man
    10. 2001/09/11 - Stranded in Canada
    11. 2001/09/27 - Fightin' Crime!
    12. 2001/10/04 - The Millenium Falcon is Breached
    13. 2001/10/23 - I'm a movie star!
    14. 2001/10/27 - Lucas Halloween
    15. 2001/10/30 - Endurance dancing
    16. 2002/03/26 - CrimeFightin' Dave vs. Drunk Drivers
    17. 2002/07/18 - Corporate Loyalty
    18. 2002/10/?? - Uncle Dave
    19. 2002/12/25 - Holidays
    20. 2003/02 - Pinky Mulligan
    21. 2003/04/10 - Go Speed Racer!
    22. 2004/03/24 - Wash and Wear Electronics
    23. 2004/04/01 - Customer Service Hell
    24. 2004/06/24 - It's a small world after all.
    25. 2004/08/13 - Dave's Super Tax Bracket
    26. 2004/10/31 - Email Access Isn't For Everyone
    27. 2005/01/22 - LindyGras Ego Boosting
    28. 2005/01/30 - Google Juice Spewing Everywhere
    29. 2005/02/23 - My Life Is Stolen - The Story Of DaveLion
    30. 2005/02/28 - Dancing For Old People
    31. 2005/03/01 - Daveosaurus
    32. 2005/06/10 - Dave's Lindy Mansion
    33. 2005/08/04 - My Software Bites Back
    34. 2005/09/07 - But At Least People Use My Software..
    35. 2005/09/07 - It Really Is A Small World...
    36. 2005/11/12? - Smartass Dave
    37. 2005/10/12 - Archive.org saves the day!
    38. 2005/12/04 - Parking Respect
    39. 2006/01/13 - Justin
    40. 2006/02/21 - Department Of Parking And Traffic Acts Surprisingly!
    41. 2006/04/17 - Telemarketers Teach Dave How To Be Polite
    42. 2006/09/27 - Police And Scooters
    43. 2006/09/29 - Where have I been?
    44. 2006/10/01 - Systems Crashing All Around Me
    45. 2006/11/18 - ATM Cards, Expiration and Magnetic Stripes
    46. 2007/06/01 - Lindy guest, five years late
    47. 2007/08/16 - Dave Fought The Law, And The Dave Won
    48. 2007/10/24 - Paypal implements "two men enter, one man leaves" dispute resolution policy
    49. 2007/12/03 - Dave Fought The Law, And The Dave Won, AGAIN
    50. 2007/12/18 - Dave's secret iPhone
    51. 2008/01/17 - Delta Airlines sucks ass
    52. 2008/01/27 - Item Not As Described
    53. 2008/04/24 - Where Am I Now?
    54. 2008/06/11 - Dave Fought The Law, And The Dave Won, AGAIN AGAIN
    55. 2008/08/09 - Rude Customers and the Sushi Bath
    56. 2008/11/05 - My Travelling Cat
    57. 2009/03/19 - Flourishing Improv Career
    58. 2009/03/21 - High School Hitler
    59. 2009/06/12 - Computer Mass-Suicide
    60. 2009/07/12 - Sad Day On The Dance Floor
    61. 2009/09/16 - The Fulton Fun House Is Closing
  8. Mobile Dave
    1. 2009/10/13 - "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"
    2. 2015/03/27 - "Interesting Complications of Nomadic Wandering"
    3. 2009/12/07 - Dave's Bus Saves The Day
    4. 2009/12/31 - Crappy New Year
    5. 2010/01/25 - State Of The DaveUnion
    6. 2010/02/25 - Angry Cops Abusing Power
    7. 2010/06/22 - The Scum Of London
    8. 2010/11/11 - Dave Hanks Madison, starring in "The Terminal"
    9. 2011/02/19 - Another Trials and Tribulations
    10. 2013/12/29 - The Fortress of Daveitude
    11. 2014/01/13 - Covered California doesn't have it covered
    12. 2014/03/31 - A New Beginning
    13. 2014/06/10 - Leaving San Francisco
    14. 2014/08/27 - Surprise Proposal
    15. 2015/06/07 - "Where are you from?"
  9. The Stellar Family
    1. 2017/01 - Back to San Francisco
    2. 2017/07/04 - Stuck in the Desert For Four(ty) Days and Nights
    3. 2017/10/22 - Charlie the Filmmaker!
    4. 2017/11/05 - To Catch A Bus Thief
    5. 2017/11/08 - Dave The Stuntman
    6. 2018/08/10 - We Buy A Home!

  • Created by make_faq from Marginal Hacks

    GetDave.com - all the current Dave Pointers. DavidLjung.com - my semi-professional home page. Daveola.com - my narcissistic home page. DaveSource.com - Dave's geek site MarginalHacks - I have an elegant script for that, but it's too small to fit in the margin. DaveFAQ - answer all your questions here. DavePics - my photo album.
    Site Index