D a v e H i s t o r y 
S e c t i o n   O n e   - -   W h a t   i s   t h i s ? 

Table Of Contents

    This is a history of my life, sort of.
    I started writing it on October 13th, 2000, and I'm filling it
    in with events as they happen and as I remember them.
    It's a selective autobiography, a story of sorts, that helps
    me organize what I've experienced.
    Isn't this egotistical?
    Well, yes...  but I have an excuse, see.  This helps me organize
    and keep track of things.  Where I've lived, who I've known, what
    I've done.  I don't expect anyone else to actually read this.  Come
    to think of it, why are you reading this?
    If anything, maybe this will paint a good picture of who I am and
    where I've been.  If you do know me, maybe this will help explain
    my character to you.
    This faq is created by my make_faq script which is freely available
    at MarginalHacks, using conf
    I have some stuff that's out of date and not worth reading..
    "When they write my autobiography, they'll say what a genius I was"
    - DLM (someone needs to tell him what "autobiography" means)

  1. Created by make_faq from Marginal Hacks

    GetDave.com - all the current Dave Pointers. DavidLjung.com - my semi-professional home page. Daveola.com - my narcissistic home page. DaveSource.com - Dave's geek site MarginalHacks - I have an elegant script for that, but it's too small to fit in the margin. DaveFAQ - answer all your questions here. DavePics - my photo album.
    Site Index
