I have a page that exposes the smoothie restaurant/company Planet Juice ™ for claiming that their smoothies are non-dairy when they in fact contain milk protein.

Years later I am contacted by a "bkamaka" who sends me threatening letters and owns the planetjuice domain. I am told by a Planet Juice ™ employee that the owner is Bill Kamaka. His info:

Kamaka, Bill
[email protected]
[email protected]
343 Third St
San Rafael, California 94901
415 457-8155
800 980-8550 <- from his website, but out of order
415 831-1838 <- from his website, but disconnected

His mail is in red, mine in blue. Entertaining and idiotic:

From: "[email protected]" 
Subject: [CONTACT] Planet Juice
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 11:35:48 -0800

Dude, Every thing you eat is full of junk, and crap, if you are that
anal about what you eat you need to eat @ home, look what you are
breating where you live, and (i know where that is) water is tasting
bad, food taste like shit, I agree w ith you. Life is fucked up.

Im going to be nice to you and tell you That the word Planet Juice Is
Trademaked , and you are not  authorized to use it. so I would like
you to please stop from using it. I will give you 10 days to stop.

Thank you

Subject: Re: [CONTACT] Planet Juice
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 13:18:48 -0800 (PST)

> Dude, Every thing you eat is full of junk, and crap, if you are

I'm sorry - how do you know what I eat?

> that anal about what you eat you need to eat @ home, look what you

Actually, casein is poison to me, so yes, I will be that anal.

> Im going to be nice to you and tell you That the word Planet Juice
> Is Trademaked, and you are not  authorized to use it. so I would like
> you to please stop from using it. I will give you 10 days to stop.

Excuse me?

1) This is being nice, how?
2) Who are you, exactly?

I'm not in any trademark violation that I know of.
Feel free to have your lawyers send me a cease and desist,
if you can spell that properly.

From: "Bkamaka" 
Subject: Re: [CONTACT] Planet Juice
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 13:57:50 -0800

Ok you will very sorry, you need to get a hobbies, and stop wasting peoples
time . keep looking over you back,

See, I thought you a fucking retard, Now I know, Losers like you need scum
lawyers, we dont,  we take care of things old school.

see you around.

like I said 10 days it won't be worth it to you, think about

Subject: Re: [CONTACT] Planet Juice
To: [email protected] (Bkamaka)
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:03:35 -0800 (PST)

> Ok you will very sorry, you need to get a hobbies, and stop wasting peoples
> time . keep looking over you back,

I wasn't wasting anyone's time, you contacted me.

Again, who *are* you?  I don't honestly get the impression that you
are even affiliated with [Planet Juice]

> See, I thought you a fucking retard, Now I know, Losers like you need scum
> lawyers,

Actually, I don't need lawyers, you're the one who brought up
trademark, which is a legal term.  If you don't need lawyers,
then why did you raise a legal issue?

> we dont,  we take care of things old school.

By threatening people?