Below is the List of moon effects from the Mayfair set. These are divided into four categories: Quarter Moons, which have relatively minor effects on the game; Half Moons, whose effects are more active; Full Moons, which have drastic game effects; and Cheese Moons, whose effects are, as you might expect, cheesey. | ![]() |
Ally One-Half Moon (Secret) The value of all allies' tokens in a challenge is halved (round down). If the Ally One-Half Moon and the Ally Double Moon are both occupied and revealed, they cancel each other out.
Attack Revelation Moon (I) Every player must reveal the lowerst Attack Card in his hand to all players.
Bribery Moon (C) You may show either main player in a challenge a card from your hand that he can take if he invites you to ally with him.
Challenge Extension Moon (C) The normal limit of two challenges is extended to three. If this moon and the Challenge Limitation Moon are both occupied, they cancel each other out.
Challenge Limitation Moon (C) The normal limit of two challenges is reduced to one. If this moon and the Challenge Extension Moon are both occupied, they cancel each other out.
Cold Revenge Moon (I) You may permanently remove one token of your choice from the game.
Cone Size 3 Moon (C) While this moon is occupied, the normal limit of tokens a player may put in the cone is 3 instead of 4. Macron still puts one token in the cone. If this Moon and Cone Size 5 Moon are both occupied, they cancel each other out.
Cone Size 5 Moon (C) While this moon is occupied, the normal limit of tokens a player may put in the cone is 5 instead of 4. Macron still puts one token in the cone. If this Moon and Cone Size 3 Moon are both occupied, they cancel each other out.
Cone Size Variable Moon (C) The normal limit of tokens a player may put in the cone is the number on this moon instead of 4. Macron still puts one token in the cone. This moon over rides Cone Size 3 and Cone Size 5 moons.
Confession Moon (I) Each player must reveal the highest Attack Card in his hand to all other players.
Compensation Moon (C) Losing allies get compensation from the losing main player. For each token they committed, the main player must pay them 1 lucre or allow them to draw a card from his hand.
Defense Moon (C) Add the number of tokens on this moon to your total in any challenge in which you are the defensive player in any planet challenge. When you lose a challenge, these tokens are not lost (unless this moon itself is being challenged).
Discount Moon (Secret) Whoever occupies this moon gets the double number of cards he buys.
Freebie Moon (I) You may immediately challenge anyone on any base. This is in addition to your normal challenges for this turn.
Gateway Moon [6 total] (I) Upon occupying this moon, you may place tokens from this mon onto any planet in a planetary system with another Gateway Moon.
Hand Me Down Moon (I) Discard your regular hand.
Home Moon (Secret) Once revealed, this moon counts as a home base for whoever occupies it.
Inflation Moon (Secret) All players receive double the amount of lucre they would normally get at the start of their turns.
Insurance Moon (C) The player occupying this moon receives from the bank one lucre for each token he loses to the warp, two lucre for each token he loses to the control of another player (like Fungus), and three lucre for each token he loses out of the game.
Limitation Moon (C) Players get only 5 cards when drawing a new hand.
Lunar See Moon (I) You may look at any one unrevealed moon.
Mini Mac Moon Each of your tokens counts as two tokens towards the total in any challenge. They do not count double for consolation or rewards.
Moonshine (C) You collect one card from the deck or one of your tokenw from the warp at the beginning of each player's turn.
Move Moon (I) Choose another player and designate a moon for him to occupy, either by placing two tokens of his choice there if it is not occupied or by making a challenge against the moon if it is occupied. Play continues as before.
Offense Moon (C) Add the number of tokens on this moon to your total in any challenge in which you are the offensive player in any planet challenge. When you lose a challenge, these tokens are not lost (unless this moon itself is being challenged).
Power Trip Moon (Secret) You still have your power even if you have lost three or more of your home Planetary system bases.
Revenge Moon (I) You may put one token of your choice into the warp.
Salvage Moon (I) Take one card from the top of the discard pile for each of your tokens landing here. Discarding and/or consolation (if they occur) take place after the Salvage.
Silvery Moon (C) You may take double the lucre at the start of your turn.
Tractor Beam Moon (I) Attract a moon of your choice (without looking at it if it has not bee revealed), and place it in your home planetary system. Any tokens on the moon remain there.
Warp Break Moon [3 total] (I) Return all of your tokens in the warp to any of your bases.
Warp Worm Moon [3 total] (I) All tokens that would have been placed here go to the warp. The challenge is still considered to be successful.
Warts (Secret) Worthless. Has no effect.
Wormhole Moon (I) Mix the discard pile with the deck and reshufle.
Color Blind Moon (C) Flip over all tokens in the Warp and mix them up. Any tokens retrived from the Warp must be drawn at random and placed on bases by the owning player. In the even of a Warp Break, mix the tokens again after retrieving those of the appropriate color.
Compassion Moon (C) Any time you are the main player in a challenge, both Main Players must play Compromise Cards, if possible.
Cosmic Bank Error Moon (I) Each player discards an Attack Card and takes that many lucre from the bank.
Eclipse Moon (C) Each time the Destiny pile is flipped, that Destiny card is removed from the game. When all Destiny cards are gone, each player may go to any planet or moon of his choice, using either the hyperspace or reverse cone.
Edict Revelation Moon (I) Each player reveals all Edicts in his hand to all players.
Excise Moon (C) Every player subtracts his total number of bases (on home planets, opponents' planets, and moons) from any Attack Card he plays in a challenge.
Flare Revelation (I) Each player reveals all Flare cards in his hand to all players.
Flux Moon (I) Move one token of every other player from one base he has to another base he has, if possible.
Four/Forty Moon (C) Any Attack 4 card you play in a challenge is considered a 40.
Harvest Moon (Secret) You may discard your entire hand and draw a new seven-card hand at the start of every turn, but you may still make two challenges on your turn.
Mass Generation Moon (C) The number on any Attack card you play in any challenge is increased by ten.
Metamorph Moon (I) Discard one of your Alien Powers and draw a new one from those not in use.
Moon Base Omega (C), You may count this moon as a base toward the win.
Moonblast (I) Every player must reveal all unoccupied Secret moons in his system.
Moonburst (I) Every player must reveal all unoccupied Play Now moons in his system.
Moonsight (I) Every player must reveal all unoccupied Continuing moons in his system.
Moonview (I) Every player must reveal all unoccupied One-shot or Intermittent moons in his system.
No Deal Moon (C) No players may make deals. In a Compromise-Compromise situation or when the Diplomat calls out "negotiate", the players automatically fail and pay the penalty.
Nova Moon (One-shot) Place this moon over any planet in this planetary system. That planet is permanently destroyed, along with any tokens on it. Leave this moon card over the destroyed planet as a reminder. This moon may be occupied only once per game.
Null Moon (C) While occupying this moon, you lose the use of your Alien Powers.
Pass Moon (I) All players must pass three cards from their regular hands to the player to their left. If a player has less than three cards he passes whatever he has.
Quake Left Moon (I) Each player must immediately pass his regular hand of cards to the player on their left. Discarding and taking any cards take place after the quake.
Quake Right Moon (I) Each player must immediately pass his regular hand of cards to the player on their right. Discarding and taking any cards take place after the quake.
Scrounge Moon (I) Select four cards from the discard pile and add them to your hand. You must show to the other players which cards you have selected. Discarding played cards and taking consolation, if any, occur after the Scrounge.
Stack Moon (Secret) You may put one card from your hand face down on top of the Challenge deck at the start of every player's turn.
Ten Spot Moon (C) The number on any Attack Card your opponent plays in any challenge is increased by ten.
Trip to Vermont (Secret) Worthless. Has no effect.
Affliction Moon (I) Upon occupying this moon, collect all Flare cards from each other players' regular hand.
Annihilate Moon (C) All tokens lost to the Warp are instead removed from the game.
Chapter 11 Moon (I) Return all of your Lucre to the bank. Discard this moon and draw another if not playing with Lucre.
Ediction (I) Upon occupying this moon, collect all Edict cards from each other players' regular hand.
Energy Moon (I) Draw another Alien Power from those not in use. You have this power in addition to your own for the rest of the game.
Flingfire (Secret) Worthless. Has no effect.
Implosion Moon (I) All tokesn in this planetary system that do not belong to the home player go to the Warp.
Inconstant Moon (C) At the beginning of the turn of the occupying player, draw a moon from those not in use and place it over this one. This moon remains in effect until the occupying player's next turn, when he draws a new moon.
Moon Win (S) When you reveal this moon, if you occupy four other moons, you win the game (despite the Schizoid).
Shift Left Moon (I) Each player passes one alien power (and all facets thereof -- Terrorist's Bombs, Schizoid's terms, etc.) to the player on their left.
Shift Right Moon (I) Each player passes one alien power (and all facets thereof -- Terrorist's Bombs, Schizoid's terms, etc.) to the player on their right.
Revolve Moon (I) All tokens on other moons move one moon clockwise. Resolve all new effects in a clockwise direction, startig with this moon.
Romission Moon (I) Collect all Compromise cards from each other players' regular hand.
Ruling Moon (I) You may propose a change in the rules. All players vote, with the proposing player breaking ties. The new rule remains in effect for the rest of the game even if the player leaves the moon.
Warp Factor Moon (S) When you reveal this moon, if you have 19 tokens in the warp, you win the game (despite the Schizoid).
Wind Down Moon (C) Every card that is discarded is permanently removed from the game. If no one wins before all cards have been discarded, the game is a draw.
Anti-Truth Moon Each player's statements mean the opposite of what they say.
Communist Moon (I) Divide all of the Lucre currently in the Lucre bank evenly among all the players. While the bank is empty, players cannot collect Lucre or IOU's from the bank.
Deck Deal Moon (I) Deal the remaining deck of cards equally to all players, starting with yourself.
Discard Deal Moon (I) Deal the discard pile to all players, starting with yourself.
Emotion Review Moon (I, S) You may penalize any player who, in your judgment, displays an undesirable emotion. Name the emotion and place any two of that player's tokens into the warp.
Game Over Moon (1 shot, S) The game is over. The player with the most planet bases (including home planetary system bases) wins. In case of a tie, all players who are tied share the win.
Mind Blank Moon (C) All players who are not talking or breathing in must hum loudly. The penalty is one token per challenge to the warp, picked by the victim.
Polite Moon (C) All players must use "sir" or "madam" (whichever is appropriate) when talking to other players or forfeit one token per challenge to the warp for each infraction.
Scubba Joke (C, S) Worthless. Has no effect.
Tongues Moon (C) Each player must speak in rhymes (whenever talking) The penalty is one token to the Warp (losing player's choice) per infraction.
Tune Moon (I) Sing a little song about your Alien Power(s), even if you have lost it, or lose three tokens to the Warp.